Mac OS X Finder hide hidden files by default. To show hidden files in Finder, you need to use two commands (AppleShowAllFiles and killall).
Just follow the steps below and your finder will show hidden files:-
- Start your “Terminal”
- type “defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE” and enter (without the quote)
- type “killall Finder” and enter (without quote)
- Done. You have just enable your show hidden files in Finder
To disable the show hidden files in Finder, follow the steps below:-
- Start your “Terminal”
- type “defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE” and enter (without the quote)
- type “killall Finder” and enter (without quote)
- Done. You have just disable your show hidden files in Finder
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Thanks for the tip. New to Mac and had a difficult getting it.
Worked perfectly! Thank you! This has been bugging me for ages.
The instructions worked for me. Many thanks.
The response by MacGenie didn’t – opened up a Search window.
Terminal approach is really simple and worked well though so perfecto.
From the Finder press Command-F. Click on the button that says ‘kind.’ Select ‘Other…’ and then select ‘file invisible’. Click the button to the right of the ‘File visibility’ button and select ‘Visible or Invisible.’