If you accidentally enable your Chrome to access your microphone or camera, you can always disable the access. It’s also good security practice to disable the microphone or camera access from you Chrome once you finish using it. Yes i know it’s very troublesome, but it’s for your own good. I bet you would not want to see your own video or some sound clip posted on the internet because you forget to disable the access to microphone or camera in Chrome.
To disable access to microphone or camera in Chrome, follow the steps below:-
- Start your Google Chrome, click on the Chrome menu
button from the toolbar.
- Click on Settings -> Click on “Show advance settings…” at the bottom of the page
- Under “Privacy”, click on “Content Settings”
- Under “Media”, click on “Manage exceptions…”
- “Media Exception” window pop up and you can disable the microphone and camera access in Chrome by deleting the record.
- Once record removed, you can click on the “Done” button to close the window. Now whenever website require to use you microphone or camera, it will ask for your permission again
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