To open .mdi file, you need to have Ms Office 2003. By default, Office 2003 come with a tool to open .mdi file. However, you cant open .mdi file in Office 2007 by default.
To open mdi file in Office 2007, you need to install Microsoft Office Document Imaging. Follow the steps below to enable mdi file support:-
- Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs
- Look for Ms Office 2007 and highlight it and click on “Change” button
- A new window popup, now you select “Add or remove features” and click “Continue”
- Look for “Office Tools” and expand it by click on the ‘+’ sign beside it
- Look for “Microsoft Office Document Imaging”
- Click on the drop down icon beside it and select “Run all from my Computer” and click “Continue”
- Wait for the installation and click “Close” once Microsoft Office Document Imaging is finish installed
- Done, you can now open .mdi file by just double click on the file
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Hi, I tried the above and am able to view the mid file already. However, how come however hard i try to zoom into to see the contents of the keeps on just giving me a blank page even when i Click Reading View even ?? thanks
Suzie: u can try to right click on the file and choose Open With and choose Microsoft Office Document Imaging
I did all of the above and MDI files cannot be opened. Any other suggestions?