Posts tagged with ‘fckeditor’

Fckeditor – File Manager Session Problem in IE7


fckeditor, free software, open source software, oos, software, online html editor, fckeditor session problemI’m using FCKEditor for one of my project and it works brilliant for IE6, Firefox 1.5x. When we did the testing on IE7, the file manager shows some error. Before this we did some fine tune to allow only authenticated user to use FCKEditor and it’s file manager to upload pictures. Now it shows user not authenticated and it can’t even get all the session data.

We spend a lot of time go thru our code to check if our session setting having any problem, but no luck. After googling for some times, finally found out that, there is a variable we need to set in FCKEditor to solve the file manager session problem.

To solve the file manager session problem follow the steps below:-

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FCKEditor – The full feature Web based WYSIWYG HTML Editor


fckeditor, web base text editor, wyswyg editor, wysiwyg editor
WYSIWYG or WYSWYG stands for What you see (is) what you get (something like Microsoft word). Now, FCKEditor (a web base html editor) is trying to change the old style plain textarea box to something more interesting like Ms word.

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